

WIN with a Thousand Reasons to Get Outside! The Village Green Centre - Vernon BC.

Village Green Centre – WIN with a Thousand Reasons to Get Outside!

Enter Here to WIN $1000 in Village Green Centre Gift Cards Contest Closes Sunday, February 11, 2018 You also have an additional chance to win by...

Free Evening ESL courses in the Okanagan

Now if you are Canadian you may not know what ESL – stands for. ESL means English as A Second Language. Many students and immigrants...

TECH: Bluetooth Creates Your Custom Shampoo?

Bluetooth Device Will Look Inside Your Hair (And Create A Customized Shampoo For You) Big news come from Henkel Beauty Care (Schwarzkopf), a leading brand...
Flair Airlines Ltd., Kelowna, BC Canada

Canadian Airline Flair Airlines Poised for Growth with New Ownership and a Premium ULCC...

JANUARY 16, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Flair Airlines Ltd., (Toronto, ON) Canada’s only low airfare carrier, today announced that Jim Scott, will assume the position of...
Gonzo Okanagan Music Venue Feature - Fernando's Pub Kelowna BC

Music Venue Feature: Fernando’s Pub – Kelowna’s Live Music Mecca

by Dan Tait NEW VENUE VENTURE On Christmas Eve, in 2010, a venue opened up on Bernard Avenue, in downtown Kelowna – a Mexican cantina called...

Kelowna Company Creates Revolutionary Scanable Technology

Canada's Silicon Valley has produced another landmark technology company. Technology is bridled only by our ability to harness potential. The field is wide open. The...

Special Public Avalanche Warning for BC

Recreational Backcountry Travellers Urged to Avoid Avalanche Terrain Special Public Avalanche Warning for Much of BC’s Interior Ranges Jan 11, 2018, Revelstoke, BC: Avalanche Canada and...


RESOLUTIONS FOR MIND, BODY, & SPIRIT by Tiffany Brawn New Year’s is a time of re-scripting our lives and what we really want to be, do...
EEG headsets

TECH: Nissan Can Read Your Brain!

Nissan Is Building Cars That Will Read Your Brain To Prevent Accidents Big news are coming from the automobile giant Nissan. According to an announcement...
Music Reviews by John The Rock Doctor 2017

Music Reviews by the Rock Doctor – Jan 5th, 2018

WINNING HAND Tinsley Ellis (Alligator) ***** It’s just the luck of the draw that my first review of 2018 is the brawny new blues/rock album...