

The Legend of Vancouver’s Little Mountain Sound

by Huffington Post Columnist, Mike Klassen "I think it is a larger subject, in that we have failed to recognize the profound affect Vancouver has...

Touch The Sun – Band’s Upcoming Album Offers Vancouver a Winter Heat Wave

I recently had the excellent fortune to catch up with Rob Wade, percussion pilot for new Vancouver band, Touch The Sun, and we discussed the...

Korean Prodigy, Yiruma, Stuns Vancouver with Epic Performance

I love music. I mean I really love music, all kinds of music. I like rock music, electronica, jazz, I like countryyy… errr, let's...
Flair Airlines Ltd., Kelowna, BC Canada

Flair Airlines Set to Paint the Skies in New Colours

Flair Airlines Set to Paint the Skies in New Colours Immediate Release December 19, 2017 Flair Airlines Ltd., (Kelowna, BC) Canada’s leader in ultra low fare travel...

Charlie’s Angel List 2017 is HERE!

As I pen this a full-fledged snowstorm is enveloping our city. While I know many folks dread winter weather, I admit to loving snow....

Tiffany’s Top Ten Essential Oil Remedies – Cold Cures to Sleep Aid

Essential oils have re-emerged as a popular branch of Holistic Healthcare in North America. They are effective for numerous uses in daily Life and...

Local Singer-Songwriter, Joshua Smith, Releases EP Recounting The Halifax Explosion

December 5th, 2017 Dan Tait One hundred years ago today – December 6th, 1917 – is a day that will continue to live on in history...
Restaurant Feature Promotion

NEW! Restaurant Feature Promotion!

NEW! Restaurant Feature Promotion is now be available! Check it out and contact us at contact@gonzookanagan.com or 250-899-2112 to book your restaurant in on...

Restaurant Feature writer needed!

We are looking for writer who could specialize in a new restaurant feature article promotion we will be having soon! Please send us an...
VIM, a Melbourne Shoegaze band

Mind Music of Melbourne – Shoegazing in the Far South

by Selena Unger, Melbourne, Australia Imagine a city that embraces all walks of life, all personalities, and all forms of art, anything you can imagine....