Kettle Valley Rail Trail Engagement – TOTA

Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association is moving forward with the preparation of a master plan for the Midway (Mile 0) to Little Tunnel segment of the Kettle Valley Rail Trail. The plan is being funded in part by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.

In alignment with “Activating our Potential – A Regional Rail Trails Tourism Strategy 2016-2022” (, the Master Plan will prescribe how the trail tread, trail amenities, and trail management can be improved to optimize the trail’s tourism potential while also enhancing the recreational experience for local users. Development of the plan is a collaborative effort involving trail users, recreational clubs, tourism operators, local and regional governments, stakeholders and local Indigenous communities along the trail.

You have been identified as a tourism business within the scope of the plan (Midway to Little Tunnel, Naramata). We would like to invite you to share your ideas and concerns about the future of this portion of the trail through a short (15-20 minute) online survey.  You can also share input and ideas through our fun and easy to use online mapping site.

If you are interested in participating, please visit the following links for the survey and the online mapping site:

The survey and the online mapping site will be open for input until 4:00 pm (PDT) on September 7, 2018.

We thank you in advance for helping to shape the future of this incredible trail. Should you have any questions about this initiative, you are encouraged to contact Mike Overend – Destination Development Program Specialist at 778.721.5462 or via email at

Thompson Rivers Plumbing Kamloops


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