by Huffington Post Columnist, Mike Klassen "I think it is a larger subject, in that we have failed to recognize the profound affect Vancouver has had on popular music... ...You've probably watched the Foo Fighters series regarding all of the US cities...
New year, new resolutions. Was yours to build your music career? Great goal.... and we’re here to help. Register to attend BreakOut West this Oct 10-14th and surround yourself with hundreds of like-minded career musicians, and international industry professionals for...
I recently had the excellent fortune to catch up with Rob Wade, percussion pilot for new Vancouver band, Touch The Sun, and we discussed the band's upcoming debut album, presently in the final stages of preparation... The band is a BC-born...
I love music. I mean I really love music, all kinds of music. I like rock music, electronica, jazz, I like countryyy… errr, let's just say I like many kinds of music, and leave at that. Generally speaking though,...