UNCLE JOHN’S RECORD BARN #5Music purchases of late have been modest, as we’re saving for trips to see Kiss, Black Sabbath and The Eagles over the next few months- but I can’t let a payday pass without adding something...
EPITAPH Judas Priest (Sony Legacy DVD/ Blu-Ray) *****“Pounding the world, like a battering ram/ forging the furnace, for the final grand slam”. So begins the opening track on Judas Priest’s brilliant new DVD Epitaph, recorded on the final night...
UNCLE JOHN’S RECORD BARN #4- May 19th, 2013Welcome back, glad you could make it! Not a lot to report since the last time I opened- business is slow, but I’ll worry about that later.  Haven’t bought a ton of...
UNCLE JOHN’S RECORD BARN #4- May 19th, 2013Welcome back, glad you could make it! Not a lot to report since the last time I opened- business is slow, but I’ll worry about that later.  Haven’t bought a ton of...