Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – Someone’s going to get a broken heart
At least three people are going to have their heart broken on Valentine's Day.
'Silly season' is starting earlier than anticipated thanks to last summer's...
Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – New Year’s Trumped By Stupidity
Welcome 2018 - or more precisely glad to see you go 2017
Like many other folk one of my human foibles is the ability to...
NFL Ratings are down: Pizza Anyone?
NFL Ratings are down:
A pizza maker and concussions are to blame... But who's fault is it?
By Drew Farmer
The NFL received a black eye...
The Powerful Lobby Against Medical Marijuana – Part I
An editorial comment, by Dean Unger
"The prescription opioid crisis was created when we loosened regulations around opioid prescribing,” he remarks; “I hope history doesn’t repeat...
Hodge Podge by Charlie Hodge – Election, Politics & Hockey thoughts – May 11,...
Only in B.C. can we have an election that makes things more complicated than before.Once again the majority of predictions and polls were wrong...
TECH – Selfies Could Be The Future Of Election Voting, According To These App...
Selfies Could Be The Future Of Election Voting, According To These App Makers There is a new app on the block - and we...
Conspiracy Theory – Is It True?
CONSPIRACY THEORYCоnѕрirасу: a ѕесrеt рlаnning with others tо dо ѕоmеthing unlаwful or wrоng. From thе Lаtin con+ ѕрirе, whiсh means tо 'brеаthе tоgеthеr.'Thеоrу: орiniоn...
Hodge Podge by Charlie Hodge – Scary times in Trumpville
Scary times in TrumpvilleI am really not sure whether to laugh or cry. The scenario is so mind boggling and bizarre it borders on...
Hodge Podge by Charlie Hodge – Are you afraid yet?
I'm not sure how this happened. If one suggested a year ago I'd care this amount regarding the mind boggling election antics of our...
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ALCOHOL AND CANNABIS AS REGARDS PROHIBITIONGiven the lawful status of liquor, it is the most mishandled and wrongly taken a drink....