Messenger Lite: And The ‘Slow’ Days Of Facebook Messenger Are Gone
If you are using the Facebook Messenger more than your mouth, you are probably frustrated with the app’s size and slowness at times. Or every time you open it, trying to text your buddies. The truth is, everyone is seeing struggles with the Messenger app – most probably because it has been reinvented a couple of times, including GIFs, new emojis and who knows how many new features every week.However, there is one way to get away from all these unnecessary things – and focus on your messaging only. It is called Facebook Messenger Lite, and it’s essentially the simplest and lightest version of Facebook Messenger that everyone needs.At this point, you are probably wondering how this app is different from the regular Messenger.Well…In a nutshell, Messenger Lite is here to get you rid of all the bloated mess. Judging by the fact that more than 200 million people are using it, it is pretty much solving the case. Dramatically simplified and much faster, according to fans’ reviews, this version of Facebook is not new – but is reinvented a couple of times, just like it’s ‘slow’ buddy.There are three tabs in the app – Home, Contacts and Profile. And that is everything a simple man needs, right?While Home sums up your most recent messaging activity, the Contacts tab shows you all of your contact for easy reaching – and the Profile section basically packs all the settings, notifications and so on. The best thing about this app is the lighting fast speed that it works with, and the amazing reliability it offers with its (teeny-tiny) size of only 5.43MB.So if you want to get the job done and keep messaging your buddies, this is the app to use. Although it is short of features like the icons of calls and groups – it pretty much saves the day when you need to speak to someone or send a quick photo of what you are doing at the moment.
Fluid with its 5MB, this app is definitely the portal to quick messaging when you need it!