By Charlie Hodge
Today’s column is a mini HodgePodge – short and semi sweet.
In response to a couple of reader responses from last week’s Hodge Podge which included my predictions the Toronto Maple Leafs would win the Stanley Cup – no I am not suffering from heat exposure. Nor was I overmedicated by my doctor.
In addition, another reader (or perhaps now a former reader) clearly took me far too serious by being upset I’d suggested God was a Leaf fan. She told me I should not suggest that God was, “so trivial as to pick sides in a sporting match”. She hung up before I could clarify that it was a joke or suggest that perhaps she was angry because she is a Habs fan.
Long time Kelowna sports writer Al Paterson emailed privately this gem, “I confess to being a closet Leafs fan, even though the plural of leaf is not leafs, Just sayin.” Good point Al.
In further Podge updates I shamefully admit my wife is braver than I am. (Dang that hurts to say). After way too much time not reading the instructions and only looking at the pictures on the box, Tez and finally got the large kids plastic pool put together on the back lawn. It’s big enough for two regular size adults to sit in – or in the case of Tez and I … three people. Scaredy cat is interested but acknowledges it as too deep and dangerous for her, however it is the largest drinking bowl she has ever seen.
After figuring out where all the tubes go for the filter and the pumps (I had them backwards) we pumped the blue beast with water. We were surprised at how much water it took and realized we probably used up our day’s water quota on that task alone. The next day the pool water was still frigid.
On day two we decided to give it a whirl. We both gingerly stepped in and discovered it needed a big stir as the water on the bottom was nearly freezer temperature. I vacated leaving that job to Tez. (Someone has to watch). She quickly churned it up with her legs then hopped out.
Day three Tez and I entered a little braver and once standing in the pool for a minute or two with water just above the knees Tez decided to do the dip and sit down boldly immersing herself shoulder deep in the water. I, however, bravely got to the point of bending my knees just enough that my male temperature gauges sensitively met the icy liquid – and bolted out of the pool. She laughed, I gasped for air and announced I had other things to do than permanently injure myself.
It has been five days now and I fully intend to hit the pool this afternoon. With 34 degree weather that little pool must be warm enough now. Stay tuned .
On the ‘semi-sweet’ component of today’s column… smarten up people!
Tragically with the recent outbreak of some 70 cases of COVID19 traced to here from Canada Day fun Kelowna has once again made the national news as a place to party. What started out as three and then seven cases has impacted 10 times that number around the province which shows how rapidly and easily it spreads. Reports suggest the cases were brought to Kelowna by two groups of visitors however even that is not guaranteed. Regardless – we all need to be vigilante.
Kelowna has always attracted tourists, it has been our bread and butter forever. However we as locals need to set an example, play safe, and protect ourselves, family and friends. The best way to do so is to remain vigilante, keep our small circles, and if possible stay home.
We can still have a somewhat enjoyable ‘staycation’ at home if we stay smart. Let’s safely take advantage of our beautiful beaches and parks but do so responsibly.
If we drop our guard as far as wearing masks and social distancing we may very soon find ourselves back in stage two or even a full quarantine scenario again. The lives you save may be your own, your partner or your friends and family members.
Do the Bonnie folks be kind and be safe. Please!