Downtown Kelowna Association Announces 2018-2020 Board of Directors 

Downtown Kelowna Association Announces 2018-2020 Board of Directors

The Downtown Kelowna Association (DKA) is proud to announce their 2018-2020 Board of Directors effective June 6, 2018. This refreshed Board of Directors continues to be a strong mix of business and property owners located in the Downtown Kelowna core.

  • Dan Allen, Doc Willoughby’s Public House
  • Shane Austin, Okanagan coLab
  • Rob Collins, Grant Thornton LLP
  • Nikki Csek, Csek Creative
  • Kate Deglow, Okanagan Wine Festivals Society
  • Yarden Gershony, Rush Ihas Hardwick LLP
  • Teghan Gordey, The Naked Café
  • Steve Harvey, Business Finders
  • Jan Johnson, Tigerlily Fashions
  • Brent Lobson, Impark
  • Renata Mills, Festivals Kelowna
  • Kyle Spence, Downtown Marina & Westcorp
  • Brian Stephenson, Pushor Mitchell LLP
  • Councillor Maxine DeHart, Ex-Officio City of Kelowna

The DKA happily welcomes back four returning Board members: Rob Collins, Grant Thornton LLP; Nikki Csek, Csek Creative; Yarden Gershony, Rush Ihas Hardwick LLP; and Brent Lobson, Impark. In addition, the DKA offers a warm welcome to two new Board members representing a variety of Downtown sectors:

Kate Deglow, Okanagan Wine Festivals Society
Kate Deglow was born and raised in the Okanagan and moved back to downtown Kelowna last year. She has worked in the hospitality and wine industry for over 12 years and is currently the Marketing & Public Relations Manager at the Okanagan Wine Festivals Society. She loves living and working downtown Kelowna, and watching the city continue to grow with new restaurants and shops popping up everywhere.

Steve Harvey, Business Finders Canada
CEO Steve Harvey brings more than 25 years of sales related experience to the table. His expertise encompasses many fields over several industries. He has owned businesses, managed businesses, and been on both sides of franchising.  Strong leadership and the ability to negotiate successfully for others has earned Steve Harvey his title as “The Dealmaker”.

The DKA would also like to thank the following outgoing Directors for their years of dedicated service to help ensure Downtown Kelowna is a thriving place to live, work and play:

  • Jason Guyitt, Delta Grand Okanagan Resort (2016-2018)
  • Trevor Neill, Mosaic Books & Bookmanager (2010-2013, 2015-2018)

“I’m honoured to work with such a diverse group of business and property owners in Downtown Kelowna,” says current Board President Dan Allen. “We have seen amazing growth in the last few years and I expect it to continue as we move forward.”

For more information about the Board, please contact us at

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