
Think local talent when planning Christmas gifts

Think local talent when planning Christmas gifts HodgePodge, By Charlie Hodge The House of Hodge has become semi-dependent with online shopping the past two years, due to...

Hot Wax Album Reviews by the ROCK DOCTOR November 15, 2021

AN HONEST EFFORT Matt Patershuk (Black Hen) *****+ Matt Patershuk’s grandpa used to say “God loves a trier”, meaning there is worth and value in...

Back on the block with the Bizkit

Back on the block with the Bizkit Photo credit and copyrights to Shane Collins & Gonzo Okanagan Fred Durst may be on to something with his...

Chasing the Blues: a travelers guide to America’s music

Chasing the Blues: a travelers guide to America's music Josephine Matyas and Craig Jones (Backbeat Books) **** A book review by John Kereiff As a lifelong music...

Bells will be ringing

Bells will be ringing HodgePodge, by Charlie Hodge Remembrance (Armistice) Day and Christmas ironically share a number of attributes aside from merely calendar kinship. That reality...

Angie Marchinkow: water, music and light

Angie Marchinkow: water, music and light Photo credit and copyrights to Shane Collins & Gonzo Okanagan Angie Marchinkow opened her door and greeted me with a...

Hot Wax Album Reviews by the ROCK DOCTOR November 8, 2021

THE CONCORD SESSIONS Howard Gladstone (Sonic Peach Records) **** A charming new record here, the 7th, from this Toronto-based folkie. Part James Taylor/ part Bruce...

The Polish Ambassador

THE POLISH AMBASSADOR Lush Dubington In a previous article, I wrote about how the music we listen to changes with the seasons. For me, I seem...

Tamar Valkenier: Full time adventurer

Tamar Valkenier: Full time adventurer Photo credit and copyrights to Shane Collins & Gonzo Okanagan I met Tamar on a beach in Thailand back in 2017....

New thoughts on aging tradition – honouring the vets

New thoughts on aging tradition - honouring the vets HodgePodge, By Charlie Hodge Our country and our world is in a severe state of chaos and division...