Announcing the Slaight Music Wellness Room at BreakOut West

Elite Auto Centre Kelowna BC

Announcing the Slaight Music Wellness Room at BreakOut West

Industry events can create a high stress situation for artists and industry, requiring high levels of focus, social engagement and public image, BreakOut West launched, in 2017, Canada’s first industry event Wellness Room. The BreakOut West Wellness Room was designed as a sanctuary for artists and industry to use as needed to get away or shut down for a short time and regroup for the needs of a successful weekend.

“The Slaight Family has a long history of supporting health initiatives across the country and we are proud to partner with BreakOut and offer the Slaight Music Wellness Room to this year’s conference.”   Derrick Ross, President, Slaight Music

With the support of Slaight Music the Wellness Room will be returning and growing in 2018, equipped with resources and engaging care providers at intervals throughout the weekend, including:

  • Daily Yoga Sessions
  • Daily Meditations
  • Individual counseling sessions
  • Information and sessions on Unison Benevolent Fund programs, mental health and safer spaces for road warriors.

“It is with the support of Slaight Music as well as Western Canadian Music Alliance funding partners including FACTOR and the Government of Canada and provincial and territorial member partnersthat we hope to make this resource a staple at events like BreakOut West.”   Robyn Stewart – Executive Director, WCMA

Health and Wellness Workshops

Safer Spaces on the Road

What is a safer space? Find out how to work with venues to make you feel your show is a safer space. Learn how touring artists can develop and advocate for the safety of themselves, and their fans from a grass-routes level. This session is supported by the Creative Bc Respectful Workplace Fund.   Friday, Oct. 12 @ 1:00 PM

Stacey Forrester – Good Night Out, Allie Sheldan – Little Destroyer

Unison Benevolent Fund Mental Health Session

What are you hearing about mental health – what does this mean? This important session will help us break down the stigma and have a real conversation about mental health in the fast paced, public world of the music industry and how to get the support needed.   Saturday, Oct. 13 @ 1:00 PM

Amanda Power – Unison (moderator), Dan Tait – Tiger Moon, Jen Fritz – Fritz Media, Andrea Stratis – Music Yukon

Yoga and Meditations

Thursday through Sunday at 10:00 AM start your day with yoga in the Slaight Music Wellness Room. All are welcome, pack your yoga clothes, mats are provided.

Thursday, Friday and Sunday at 12:00 noon join meditation practitioner, Amanda Gregoire for half hour meditations to centre and prepare yourself for your day.


Counselling Support; Individual counselling sessions

Thursday – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Friday – 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Saturday – 11:15 AM – 1:15 PM

These sessions are scheduled in 15 minutes blocks and are now open for sign up. To sign up in advance please email, or check in at registration beginning October 10.

Third Space Mind is a Kelowna-based counselling centre working to re-write the narrative surrounding mental health in the Okanagan. This past year the Third Space Mind team provided free counselling to over 1500 University of British Columbia Okanagan students, and continues to provide this service on campus and where needed throughout the community. Third Space’s diverse team of certified therapists and professional development coaches celebrate and respect each person’s uniqueness, while empowering them to find the change and growth they want in life, offering on-site therapy sessions, as well as remote sessions via phone or Skype. For online bookings visit

About Slaight Music

Slaight Music was started in 2011 with a mandate to support the Canadian music community through a variety of initiatives, and to develop Canadian talent via strategic partnerships with industry peers. We work with artists from across the country and across the musical spectrum, helping to further careers and get great music heard. We’re also invested in the technology sphere, helping Canadian music entrepreneurs develop the next generation of digital platforms and services. And we support a variety of music-related events, causes and charities.


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