Turn Down The Heat Week

Thompson Rivers Plumbing Kamloops

Turn Down The Heat Week

TURN DOWN THE HEAT WEEK HAS BC BUSINESSES SAVING ENERGYAcross the province, BIA members promote energy conservation & collect warm clothing for local charities, October 23 – 29#turndowntheheatweek(Vancouver, British Columbia) – From October 23 to 29, shoppers across British Columbia might get a chil welcome than they’re used to at their local stores. The customer service won’t have changed, but from K Sechelt, and Point Grey to Nanaimo, local businesses in 17 business improvement areas (BIAs) in the pro be turning down their thermostats for Turn Down the Heat Week.As an initiative of Business Improvement Areas of British Columbia (BIABC) in partnership with FortisBC, t Turn Down the Heat Week is to encourage businesses and their customers to don a sweater and save en BIA will also have its participating members collect warm clothing that will be donated to a local charity. business approaches the campaign a little differently, with some offering discounts on warm clothing or beverages, or perhaps giving out tips on saving energy at home.“Turn Down the Heat Week allows participating BIAs to change their own habits to save energy, but also back to their communities,” says Corry Hostetter, president of BCBIA. “Local business owners are connect those who live in their area every day, and are able to share their enthusiasm and knowledge about saving by making small changes like putting on a sweater. We’re very fortunate to have the support of FortisBC this grassroots conservation campaign across BC, in communities largeand small.”FortisBC offers a range of resources for businesses to help them save energy and cut down on heating an water costs. Along with a wide range of energy saving tips, FortisBC also has a robust rebate program for owners to take advantage of when upgrading their premises, or retrofitting to improve energy efficiency. rebates are also available for home customers interested in conserving energy.“Turn Down the Heat Week shows a real commitment to saving energy and we’re glad to be a part of it,” Danielle Wensink, director, conservation and energy management, FortisBC. “We encourage all business consider how they use energy every day for heating, water and even cooking and pledge to take at least two simple steps to save where it counts the most for their operation.”Turn Down the Heat Week is in its fourth year. Previously the campaign was held in February each year, decision was made to move it to October at the start of the cold season. “Fall is when most of us turn on thermostat, so moving the campaign to October means we can help people set up good habits when the temperature first begins to drop,” says Hostetter.More information about Turn Down the Heat Week, including participating BIAs can be found at bia.bc.ca/turndowntheheatweek, via BIABC’s Facebook page or Twitter account, or by following thehashtag:#turndowntheheatweek.About Business Improvement Areas of British ColumbiaThe Business Improvement Areas of British Columbia (BIABC) champions strong, vibrant, and successful downtowns, main streets, and commercial districts throughout British Columbia. BIABC represents 60 BI 60,000 businesses throughout B.C. www.bia.bc.caAbout FortisBCFortisBC is a regulated utility focused on providing safe and reliable energy, including natural gas, electric propane and thermal energy solutions. FortisBC employs more than 2,200 British Columbians and serves approximately 1.1 million customers in more than 135 B.C. communities.FortisBC is indirectly wholly ow Fortis Inc., the largest investor-owned distribution utility in Canada. FortisBC owns and operates four reg hydroelectric generating plants, approximately 7,000kilometres of transmission and distribution power l approximately 47,000 kilometres of natural gas transmission and distribution pipelines. FortisBC Inc., For Energy Inc., FortisBC Energy (Vancouver Island) Inc., and FortisBC Energy (Whistler) Inc. do business as Fo Fortis Inc. shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and trade under the symbol FTS. Additional in can be accessed at www.fortisinc.com or www.sedar.com.

2016 Turn Down the Heat Week Participating BIAs and Charities for Warm Clothing Donation:Cambie Village Business Association (Kitsilano Fairview Community Policing Centre)Collingwood BIA (Collingwood Neighbourhood House)Downtown Courtenay BIA (Comox Valley Transition Centre)Downtown Kelowna Association (Kelowna Gospel Mission)Downtown Maple Ridge BIA (The Hive Neighbourhood Centre and Salvation Army)Downtown Nanaimo BIA (Nanaimo Men’s and Women’s Resource Centres)Downtown New Westminster BIA (The Lookout)Downtown Squamish BIA (Howe Sound Women’s Centre Society)Downtown Vernon Association (Canadian Mental Health Association, Vernon and District)Downtown Victoria Business Association (Victoria Cool Aide Society)Dunbar Village Business Association (TBC)Kamloops Central BIA (Canadian Mental Health Association, Kamloops Branch)Point Grey Village BIA (Salvation Army)Sechelt Downtown Business Association (Salvation Army)Tsawwassen BIA (Nightshift)Uptown Rutland BIA (Salvation Army)West Quesnel Business Association (Seasons House)Downtown Kelowna Association


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