TECH: Facebook Launches “Kit” App For Contacting Close Friends Via Apple Watch

Thompson Rivers Plumbing Kamloops

Facebook Launches “Kit” App For Contacting Close Friends Via Apple Watch

The internal research and development (R&D) team at Facebook called New Product Experimentation (NPE) has recently launched the new “Kit” app for Apple Watch. The app allows users to “keep in touch” with their close ones – hence the name (Keep In Touch) – and is available on the Apple App store for free.

We took a look at the new app and from what we can see, it is a simplified version of Facebook’s Messenger app on Apple Watch, allowing people to keep in touch with only a few of their close friends or family.

Call Your Closest Ones From The Comfort Of Your Wrist

The new app is rolled in times of a pandemic, when people around the world are using social media apps to stay in touch while they are staying home. Even though this app is not available in India, Kit’s description on the App Store shows all of the app’s features.

To use the Kit app, Apple Watch users first need to link their device to the app. They can do this by scanning a QR code on the watch or by entering an access code at In this case, the QR code is probably scanned by the Kit app on the iPhone.

Then, users need to select the Messenger contact they wish to stay in touch with using the Kit app.

Audio Recording, Emojis, Location Sharing, Scribble And Dictation Input With One Tap

Very similar to how iMessage on the Apple Watch works, Kit will allow users to send “audio recording, emojis, location sharing, scribbles or dictation inputs with one tap of the screen.

What is also worth mentioning is the fact that Facebook already has the Messenger app which works fine on Apple Watch. Still, the move to design Kit as a new app appears to be inspired from the need to keep up with the “closest” contacts only.

More information about this app will be available in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, reports from TechCrunch show that the Kit app is only available in Canada.


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