Tag: Kelowna music scene
An anonymous letter to the music fans of Kelowna, BC
To the citizens of Kelowna, WE need you now!
An anonymous letter to the music fans of Kelowna, BC
Frankly, I’m not sure how to start...
Leadbelly’s Blues – Battle Scars & Streetwise Player Influences an Age
Editorial, by Greg Pollner
Long before Kurt Cobain became a punk rock icon, when he was a small child, Kurt was raised in a family...
Gunning It Good: Aviator Shades & Ancient Engines Torch The Stage...
November 27th, 2017, Photos & Story by Dan Tait
Daniel James, Spencer Tomlinson, Dave Gorman and George Baker of Aviator Shades stopped in for another...
Kelowna Nets BreakOut West Host City Designation – But Are We...
November 8th, 2017
Dan Tait
What Ever Happened to the Evening Show?
As an artist in town who often plays bar shows, one of the most common...