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Tag: FortisBC

As fracking booms, report finds we know little about impacts

As fracking booms, report finds we know little about impacts By David Suzuki Earthquakes, methane emissions, scarred landscapes, water depletion and contamination are just a few...

Turn Down the Heat Week – November 4-10, 2017

Downtown Kelowna in partnership with the Business Improvement Areas of British Columbia (BIABC) and Fortis BC present “Turn Down the Heat Week.” From November 4-10, 2017 people can donate...

FortisBC offers billing relief for evacuated customers SURREY, B.C.

Information Bulletin August 28, 2017 FortisBC offers billing relief for evacuated customers SURREY, B.C. — To help support our customers who have been impacted by wildfires, FortisBC...

Turn Down The Heat Week

Turn Down The Heat WeekTURN DOWN THE HEAT WEEK HAS BC BUSINESSES SAVING ENERGYAcross the province, BIA members promote energy conservation & collect warm...