I’m so positively wound up this week I must be a Christmasholic. Not sure why (perhaps out of survival demand) but Tez and I are fully stoked regarding the next 12 days of Christmas. We intend to milk the festive season, squeezing all the joy and relaxation out of it possible, including doing a whole bunch of nothing.
Based on response for the Charlie’s Christmas Angels List it seems the spirit and thankfulness of the season is thriving – despite the past year! Here are a some angel submissions:
Deanna Matthewson wrote, “I acknowledge our neighbour, Bill Hedberg, for his many acts of kindness and willingness to help any time. He does ‘snow duty’ for neighbours when they need a little help and knows his way around a tool box so he can be called on to fix almost anything. There are many other examples of the ways he helps, too many to list here. He is truly an example of a ‘good neighbour’.”
Liz Basisty writes, “I would like to nominate my friend Laura Furnival as my special angel.”
Jean Neufeld writes, “My Angel all year is neighbour Marilyn Hart. She will call when she needs a break and ask if I will run away with her. I always ask if I need to pack a bag and leave a note for my man, but like the little boy that wants to runaway, yet not allowed to cross the street, we are home in a few hours. Your Tez is your angel as I have been in her shoes and I am now in yours. Smile and laugh.”
Richard Burke said, “I nominate Trish, one of the dining room servers in the Northwood Retirement Resort as my Christmas angel.”
Dominique kindly wrote, “Thank you for the reminder about looking inside for the change. Blessings. PS: As for angels there are so many, it would fill the page. I’m grateful for all of them.”
Carol Moodie of Sunrise Village writes, “This is such a great thing to do. I have two angels: Lynn Lashuk and Leah White. Both were co workers and many times got me thru my day just by what they said or did, or just by being them. They are amazing people!
“Wishing you and Tez a wonderful holiday season. I hope next year will be much kinder to us all!”
Susan Morrison writes, “My angel is Dawn Powell. She is a long time friend and also office manager at Group One Medical. She helped me out this year without being asked but out of kindness and thoughtfulness.”
Betty Richards writes, “I read every one of your columns and so enjoy them especially when I read about your dear Tez. I have two Christmas angels: Cheryl Perry is the assistant minister of the First United Church. She runs the outreach program for people living on the street. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning she welcomes them by name as she hands out food and other items. She truly cares for and is a great connection for them.
“Lynn Simpson is a teacher at OKM. Currently she is finishing up her tenth year of volunteering with the Salvation Army – standing at her kettle twice a week. She is always active around Kelowna in many volunteer positions and her positive and cheerful personality really deserve a shout out.
“Give my love to your wonderful Teresa. I have happy memories of teaching her little (son) Arthur in my Glenrosa Kindergarten, she was great parent.”
Thanks Betty.
On that sweet note I will acknowledge Tez as my top angel and take an inch of space to thank her for continuing to be my perfect partner in this crazy life we live. She is my strength and heartbeat and has gone above and beyond for years. I am so deeply thankful.
Tez, meanwhile, has a few angels of her own.
“I nominate Les Thompson for all the help he has given us over the years but especially the past few months. I also choose my sister, Julie Stevens. Even though she likely won’t see this I think she deserves recognition for being a wonderful support system for Mom and going above and beyond in a difficult time.
“I also nominate Deb Stone for being my sounding board when I need a true friend to talk to,” Tez says.