Hell or High Water Concert and Telethon aiming for two million dollars for fire and flood relief

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Hell or High Water Concert and Telethon aiming for two million dollars for fire and flood relief

Musicians, celebrities, dignitaries, media, corporations, companies, Rotaries and the generous support of British Columbians united in a big way raising over 1 million dollars, and are aiming for 2 million dollars, for the families of the fire and flood ravaged communities of Merritt, Lytton, Princeton, Abbotsford, Monte Creek and surrounding First Nation communities.
During the 12-hour Hell or High Water live-streaming telethon on Sunday, March 13, pre taped live performances, and messages from 50+ recording artists, as well as, dignitaries and local personnel stories were shared to the virtual audience across the country thru streaming platforms, social media channels and Shaw Spotlight.
The two-hour live concert from the Clarke Foundation Theatre included performances from George Canyon, Lisa Brokop, Tom Jackson and local favourites Kenny Hess, Karen Lee Batten, Aaron Pritchett, Jim Byrnes, and more.
Merritt Rotary raised about $850,000 dollars leading up to the telethon, collectively, with the communities of Abbotsford, Merritt, Princeton, Lytton and Monte Lake it is 2 million dollars.
Now, with the efforts of the Hell or High Water Fundraiser, all proceeds collected, including those made online and through the telethon portion of the event, will go directly to Rotary Merritt who will then work with non-profits who are currently working with affected areas to disperse the funds to communities and individuals affected by the natural disasters.
“I believe in British Columbians and Canadians,” says Greg Girard one of the organizers. “I know Canadians care about families, so much so, when we hit 1.5 million, I will shave off my head, eyebrows and soul patch live for all to see, for the last push to 2 million.”
Please visit www.hellorhighwater.ca for more information on how you can continue to support the fire and flood ravaged communities of British Columbia for the next two months.
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