The Golem Affect – The Science of Addiction and What to Do About It!
The most important part of recovery is Faith and Courage. Many people have traveled this path before you, and many more will after you....
The Powerful Lobby Against Medical Marijuana – Part I
An editorial comment, by Dean Unger
"The prescription opioid crisis was created when we loosened regulations around opioid prescribing,” he remarks; “I hope history doesn’t repeat...
Kelowna Nets BreakOut West Host City Designation – But Are We Doing Enough?
November 8th, 2017
Dan Tait
What Ever Happened to the Evening Show?
As an artist in town who often plays bar shows, one of the most common...
Tragically Hip Tribute Night Pays in Spades
November 3rd, 2017
by Indie Dan (Tait)
I remember that fateful date. August 20th, 2016… My band had a show at The Grateful Fed that night,...
Cirque du Soleil’s First Ever On Ice Production CRYSTAL
A Breakthrough Ice Experience!
Cirque du Soleil’s First Ever On Ice Production
opens in Penticton on April 18
Turn Down the Heat Week – November 4-10, 2017
Downtown Kelowna in partnership with the Business Improvement Areas of British Columbia (BIABC) and Fortis BC present “Turn Down the Heat Week.”
From November 4-10, 2017 people can donate...
High Society Still Riding High
October 27th, 2017
Indie Dan (Tait)
East Van’s High Society have been trekking around BC’s music scene for 7 years or so, and they brought their...
Sound Engineer, Mike Fraser – The House That Rock Built
Looking over Mike Fraser's completed project list, his career spans the last thirty years and forms testament to the role Vancouver, and Mike himself,...
A Letter From the Editor
If something is broke, don't fix it. This seems to be the apt mantra of doing business in the 21st century.
Our “systems” are the...
The Undiscovered Genius of Nick Drake
By Greg Pollner
“When you see what they have been to win, the earth just won’t seem worth your night, or your day. Who will...