Rock Doctor Music Reviews


WITH LOVE Mitch Ryder (Ruf Records) **** This is the 21st studio record for the 60’s legend, and Ryder himself says it’s one of the two...

HodgePodge: Remembering Albert Ginger Goodwin

Remembering Albert Ginger Goodwin HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge Someone asked me last week if I could list a Canadian icon hero that few others knew? What does...

HodgePodge: To Freddy who is turning three

To Freddy who is turning three HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge I wrote this in the summer, but it seems fit to print it now. Happy third...

HodgePodge: President Trump returns to ride again back on his horse

President Trump returns to ride again back on his horse HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge This is certainly not the positive start to the new year I...

Early Bird Gets the Wine and Wicked Fun at Blasted Church

Early Bird Gets the Wine and Wicked Fun at Blasted Church Blasted Church Vineyards announced the return of the iconic The Seven Deadly Sins Party....

HodgePodge: A true hodge of HodgePodges

A true hodge of HodgePodges HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge Welcome to yet another hodgepodge of HodgePodge columns. It seems appropriate to start the new year with...

Don’t Let the Grand Sommelier Express Leave the Station Without You

Don’t Let the Grand Sommelier Express Leave the Station Without You Last season my timing aligned, and I finally got to experience The Grand Sommelier...

HodgePodge: 2025 starts appropriately, Trudeau bids farewell

2025 starts appropriately, Trudeau bids farewell HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge In a sad, sordid sort of way the new year begins in a negative-positive way. Our...

HodgePodge: You’ve probably run out of time

You’ve probably run out of time HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge If you have been particularly naughty like someone I know well, then it is probably too...

Eagles at The Sphere Las Vegas Worth Every Penny

Eagles at The Sphere Las Vegas Worth Every Penny Spoiler Alert: Seeing the Eagles at The Sphere Las Vegas was worth every penny and the...