Science Matters – Carbon pricing is like handwashing in a pandemic
Carbon pricing is like handwashing in a pandemic
Sometimes we need to be reminded of the basics. During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health officials have...
Science Matters – Our children shouldn’t have to pay for our excesses
Our children shouldn’t have to pay for our excesses
This year, “Earth Overshoot Day” came later than it has in 15 years — on August...
Science Matters by David Suzuki – Old oil and gas wells find new...
Science Matters by David Suzuki - Old oil and gas wells find new life with renewable energy
As part of its COVID-19 response, Canada’s government...
Science Matters by David Suzuki – Reflections from an elder in isolation
Science Matters
Vol. 22, No. 26
June 30, 2020
Reflections from an elder in isolation
By David Suzuki
I’m fortunate. This slowdown is giving me time with my...
Science Matters by David Suzuki – Rethinking Roads
Science Matters
Vol. 22, No. 24
June 16, 2020
Reimagining streets could lead to healthier cities
By David Suzuki
During the COVID-19 pandemic, cities worldwide have been repurposing streets...
Science Matters by David Suzuki – Returning to normal after pandemic isn’t good enough
Science Matters
Vol. 22, No. 22
June 2, 2020
Returning to normal after pandemic isn’t good enough
By David Suzuki
After months of disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Science Matters by David Suzuki May 2020
Science Matters
Vol. 22, No. 21
May 26, 2020
Pandemic and climate crises unmask inequalities
By David Suzuki
A chorus of world leaders has declared we’re all...
Science Matters: Crisis brings out our best, but we must remain vigilant by David Suzuki
Science Matters
Vol. 22, No. 17
April 28, 2020
Crisis brings out our best, but we must remain vigilant
By David Suzuki
Most people just want to ensure that...
Idle some more: a novel climate solution
Idle some more: a novel climate solution
By David Suzuki.
In his marvellous 1932 essay, “In Praise of Idleness,” philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote, “I think that...
If corporations have legal rights, why not rivers?
If corporations have legal rights, why not rivers?
By David Suzuki.
A popular sign at climate marches reads, “System Change, Not Climate Change.”
What does system change...