
Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge

Charlie Hodge - HodgepodgeCharlie Hodge is a best-selling author, writer, current Kelowna City Councillor, and a Director on the Regional District of the Central Okanagan Board. He spent more than 25 years as a full-time newspaper journalist and has a diverse background in public relations, promotions, personal coaching, and strategic planning. A former managing editor, assistant editor, sports editor, entertainment editor, journalist, and photographer, Hodge also co-hosted a variety of radio talk shows and still writes a regular weekly newspaper column titled Hodge Podge, which he has crafted now for 41 years.

Charlie recently completed his third novel, Lost Souls of Lakewood – the History and Mystery of Blaylock’s Mansion, a riveting historical fiction factually based on a haunted mansion and acreage in the interior of British Columbia. His biography of Howie Meeker, titled Golly Gee It’s Me is a Canadian bestseller and his second book, Stop It There, Back It Up – 50 Years of the NHL garnered lots of attention from media and hockey fans alike. Charlie is currently working on a third hockey book, as well as a book of his memoirs and poems. His creative promotional skills and strategic planning have been utilized for many years in the Canadian music industry, provincial, national, and international environmental fields, and municipal, provincial, and federal politics. Charlie is a skilled facilitator, a dynamic motivational speaker, and an effective personal coach. His hobbies include gardening and fly fishing. Charlie shares his Okanagan home with wife Teresa and five spoiled cats.

HodgePodge: Trump, Jeffries, Fiddlers and more Podge stuff

Trump, Jeffries, Fiddlers and more Podge stuff HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge Like a bad cold or an annoying fruit fly, Donald Trump never seems to go...

HodgePodge: Hello and welcome sunshine

HodgePodge: Hello and welcome sunshine HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge “Spring has sprung, the grass has riz. I wonder where the birdies is?” I have no idea who or...

HodgePodge: Al Horning – A man of many accomplishments

Al Horning – A man of many accomplishments HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge Al Horning pretty much did everything. Most of the time with a disconcerting sort...

A Hodge Podge of Thoughts

A Hodge Podge of Thoughts HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge This week – a smattering of thoughts with no order or reason except – I can. I rarely...

HodgePodge: Emphysema sucks

Emphysema sucks Hodge Podge by Charlie Hodge Life is all about choice. We may not have a lot of choice about what happens to us, but we...

Hodge Podge: NHL playoffs vs. annual gardening chores

Hodge Podge: NHL Playoffs HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge With the calendar turning to March and the NHL playoffs on the horizon, a dilemma looms of personal...

HodgePodge: Lucky Man Part I – Promise kept means 20 years of a better...

Lucky Man – Promise kept means 20 years of a better life HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge *The following column was originally scribed back some 20 years...

HodgePodge: Bing, bang, BOOM

HodgePodge: Bing, bang, BOOM Ready, fire, aim. Bing, bang, boom - what did we get? I admit to joining the mockery by other Canadians over our...

HodgePodge: A love of words, an inspirational teacher

A love of words, an inspirational teacher HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge Mom initiated my virgin love for words - reading then teaching. As I aged she guided...

HodgePodge: Gino loved to help people

Gino loved to help people HodgePodge by Charlie Hodge Canada and the hockey world has lost another unique icon this week with the death of Wayne...