
Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge

Charlie Hodge - HodgepodgeCharlie Hodge is a best-selling author, writer, current Kelowna City Councillor, and a Director on the Regional District of the Central Okanagan Board. He spent more than 25 years as a full-time newspaper journalist and has a diverse background in public relations, promotions, personal coaching, and strategic planning. A former managing editor, assistant editor, sports editor, entertainment editor, journalist, and photographer, Hodge also co-hosted a variety of radio talk shows and still writes a regular weekly newspaper column titled Hodge Podge, which he has crafted now for 41 years.

Charlie recently completed his third novel, Lost Souls of Lakewood – the History and Mystery of Blaylock’s Mansion, a riveting historical fiction factually based on a haunted mansion and acreage in the interior of British Columbia. His biography of Howie Meeker, titled Golly Gee It’s Me is a Canadian bestseller and his second book, Stop It There, Back It Up – 50 Years of the NHL garnered lots of attention from media and hockey fans alike. Charlie is currently working on a third hockey book, as well as a book of his memoirs and poems. His creative promotional skills and strategic planning have been utilized for many years in the Canadian music industry, provincial, national, and international environmental fields, and municipal, provincial, and federal politics. Charlie is a skilled facilitator, a dynamic motivational speaker, and an effective personal coach. His hobbies include gardening and fly fishing. Charlie shares his Okanagan home with wife Teresa and five spoiled cats.

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – Sept 14th, 2018

I'm in which means I'm out, for a bit. By the time this rag reaches your door step Friday I will (bar a lightning strike)...

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – Sept 7th, 2018

  Traditions are great things to look forward to or reflect upon. In the mid-1980's I began hosting a barbecue exclusively for musicians and their spouses...

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – Aug 31, 2018

Hodgepodge By Charlie Hodge Every time I look out my window I am reminded of the kindness and caring of people. It's inspiring, motivating and came...

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – Aug 24, 2018

Hodgepodge By Charlie Hodge Do as I say not as I do. Ironically I hypothesised at such length last Friday on challenges facing local municipal politicians that...

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – Aug 18, 2018

Hodgepodge By Charlie Hodge With great sorrow I join a number of hockey friends in saying a fond farewell to all-round good guy and a true...

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – Aug 10, 2018

Visit from Baldeo etc Hodgepodge By Charlie Hodge Most of the time I become gruff when one of my cats jumps up on a counter and knocks...

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – Aug 7, 2018

In true HodgePodge style a variety of thoughts. This intense heat and smoke wave continues to force Tez and I indoors and away from our...
Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge 2018

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – July 13th, 2018

I like adventures. Admittedly time and health have diminished the depth and breadth of my adventuring capacity over the years however the same wide-eyed wonderment...

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – July 6th, 2018

Hodgepodge By Charlie Hodge I think it's safe to say summer has arrived. At least that's what my current physical surroundings and personal persona indicate. My mind and...

Hodgepodge by Charlie Hodge – June 22nd, 2018

Hodgepodge By Charlie Hodge The scenario is so hard to comprehend it literally has a numbing effect. I spent at least half an hour staring at...